Saturday, 28 January 2012

Create Report' button is not working

When clicking on the 'Create Report' button, the 'Query Based Report' dialog whose id is CREATEREPT will be opened.
Check if the 'CREATEREPT' dialog definition is correct.
To check this:
- Go to Application Designer.
- Do "Export System XML" and select LIBRARY.xml.
- Find id="CREATEREPT" or label="Query Based Report".
This problem can be due to either of these two reasons.
1. You cannot find any line for id="CREATEREPT" or label="Query Based Report" in LIBRARY.xml .
It means there is no definition for the 'Query Based Report' dialog.
2. beanclass, id, listeners, mboname etc. used for this dialog are incorrect .

You can fix that problem by using the line below:
<dialog beanclass="" id="CREATEREPT"
listeners="selected_field_table,available_table_field,params_table" label="Query Based Report"
mboname="USERREPORT" positionattop="true">
3. Edit library.xml using the line above.
4. Import LIBRARY.xml again in Application Designer.

P.S : This problem is not related to security settings.
If there is no access privilege for 'CREATEREPT', the 'Create Report' button would not be displayed.
XXX is the security group and YYY is the application name.

If a record is returned, it means that the privilege to access that button already exists.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

What is use of “Is a Repair Facility?” In Maximo.

What is use of “Is a Repair Facility?” In Maximo.

Repair facilities is use to take ownership of work orders from multiple sites in the same organization. You can specify withier location is used for repair Facility or Not. Workshop can we work As Repair Facility. User security can be configured to give permissions to view work orders in multiple sites if the work orders are owned by the repair facility.

How to Enabling Repair Facilities

To enable repair facilities you must first go to the Organizations application and go to the "Work Order Options" from the "Select Action" menu. From there, select "Other Organization Options". This will display the following dialog box:

Once the options are displayed, check the "Enable Repair Facilities?" check box to enable this option. In addition you may also want to check the "Bypass Site Mismatch Warning Message?" depending on whether or not you want to allow a warning to be displayed if the location is not within your current site.

After enabling repair facilities to be used, you can go to the Locations application and create a repair facility by setting the type to REPAIR.

In addition you'll need to check the "Is a Repair Facility?" check box.

The repair facility is created it can then be added to a work order

Monday, 16 January 2012

What is Work Order Flow Control in Maximo 7.x?

Is Flow Control a new feature in Maximo?

Flow control is a set of business rules built into the work management applications that allow status changes to be processed automatically in a work hierarchy – from parents to children, between siblings, and from children to parents. The primary objective of flow control is to detect the appropriate time to start a record so that the combination of its status and ownership place it in the right person’s work view. A significant feature of flow control is the ability to run a task-specific action (group) along with the status change that starts it.
Actions can change statuses, set data values, run custom Java classes, and process certain ‘application actions’ such as a workflow initiation.

Note: Work process flow must be set up at the header level in order to set it up on individual tasks. You cannot set up work process flow for a task that does not have it set at the header level. Setting it up at the header level will apply it to any newly entered tasks beneath.

Below is an example of a work order flow when generated from a PM Record;
Note: This can be set in the Work Order Tracking, Changes, Releases and Job Plan application

Open Plans > Job Plans Application and Insert a Job Plan
Description: Job Plan with Precedence relationships
Flow control Checked (make sure Flow control on Job Plan is checked)

Task 10: SEQUENCE = 1 Duration 2
No predecessor
Flow control <checked>

Task 20 SEQUENCE = 2 Duration 4
Predecessor = Task 10
Flow control <checked>

Task 30 SEQUENCE = 2 Duration 6
Predecessor = Task 10
Flow control <checked>

Task 40 SEQUENCE = 3 Duration 6
Predecessor = Task30
Flow control <checked>

SAVE and change status to Active

Open Assets App and insert new asset and change status to Operating

Go to Organization and Select a Organization
From Action Menu select work Type

enter a Work Type

Work Order Class= "WORKORDER"
Work Type= “PM”

Process Flow Start status “In progress”
Process Flow Finish status “ Complete”
NOTE: Status WAPPR can also be used

Click OK

Open Preventive Maintenance > Preventive Maintenance

Insert a PM and enter the Asset you created above and also the Job Plan you created above

Frequency on the Time Based Frequency Tab = 1 Day
Next Due Date = Today’s Date and Save

Change the PM Status to “Active”

From Action Menu Generate Work Order

Search Work Order Application on Work Order Generated above.

You should have one Parent WO and four Task WO for each task above

Parent Work Order

Task Work order for task 10
Task Work order for task 20
Task Work order for task 30
Task Work order for task 40

Note: Notice that the task work orders have the flow controlled value checked. This is the cross over field from Job Plan.

And make sure to uncheck “Inherit Status Changes” flag on parent level as well as each task level. In order to user flow control, inherit changes flag should be unchecked

In the Parent Work order
Go to Plans Tab

Insert a task work order on the parent work order

Task 50 SEQUENCE = 3 Duration 15
Predecessor = Task 40

Un check the “Flow control” and Save

Note: Un checking of “Flow Control Flag” would enable the work order not to follow force sequence

Open Parent Work order
Go to Plans Tab

Insert another Task on the Parent workorder

Task 60 SEQUENCE = 3 Duration 15
Predecessor = Task 40

Again Check the “Flow control” and Save

Make sure the parent work order has “Inherit Status Change” in the Work order tab “Unchecked”

Make sure all task from task 10 – task 60 has “Inherit Status Change” unchecked

Change Parent Work Order to Status “In Progress”
Parent Work Order and Task work order Task 10 will be in status In Progress

Go to Task Work order of Task 20
From action menu try to change status to “Complete”

Status “Complete” is not one of the status option available for the work order of Task 20 because force sequence is in place and user cannot change the status until task 10 (predecessor) task is changed to complete

Go to Task Work order of Task 10
From action menu try to change status to “Complete”

Task 20 and task 30 would now change to “In Progress” status

Go to Task Work order of Task 20
From action menu try to change status to “Complete”

Go to Task Work order of Task 50
From action menu try to change status to “Complete”

User is able to change status to complete because task work order 50 does not follow force sequence

Go to Task Work order of Task 60
From action menu try to change status to “Complete”

Note: Although predecessor Task 50 does not follow force sequence, task 40 follows force sequence and task 60 also follows force sequence. Until task 40 is changed to “complete” user cannot change task 60