Friday, 19 July 2013

Changing the default port in WebSphere Application Server

Changing the default port in WebSphere Application Server
Sometimes we may need to change the default port of a WebSphere Application Server installation as a security precaution or for some other reasons like for coexisting with another WAS installation on the same machine. Moreover it’s always better to change the default ports in production environments. You can follow the below steps to change the default http port.
1.       Logon to your admin console 
2.       Click on Servers à Application servers à .
3.       Click on Ports link under communications, under the Configuration tab. (If you expand the Ports section click on details).

4.       Click on the port name you want to change. Here I am changing the default http transport port. So I clicked on WC_defaulthost port.

5.       Enter the port number you want to use in port text box. (Please make sure that port is not already used by someone else). Apply and save the changes. After entering the new port the WC_defaulthost will look like the one in the below image.

6.       Now click on Environment à Virtual Hosts. This page would display all the virtual hosts present in the system.

7.       Click on default_host.

8.       Click on Host Aliases.

9.       Click on the port you want to change.
10.   Enter the new port number.

Apply and Save the changes to Master Repository. You are done. Restart the server and now the server will start binding to the new port.

Monday, 10 June 2013

BMXAA6454E - Database configuration is in process. The ConfigDB and RestoreFromBackup actions must complete before the Maximo server can start.

If you restart the server while an action is being performed on the database, the server restart may fail. You will see a message similar to the following in the SystemOut log files: "java.lang.Exception: BMXAA6454E - Database configuration is in process.

The ConfigDB and RestoreFromBackup action s must complete before the Maximo server can start.

 Or sometime It is possible for configdb to leave a flag set, which can stop Maximo from starting.

Run the following SQL
select * from MAXVARS where varname='CONFIGURING';
Check the VARVALUE returned. It will be a '1' to signify that configdb is running . If it is not, then do not continue and call into support to report the error.
update MAXVARS set varvalue='0' where varname='CONFIGURING';
This will reset the flag that signifies configdb to be running.

Maximo should now start.

Saturday, 16 February 2013

How is the field -Life to Date for Asset(ASSETMETER.LIFETODATE)-calculated?

The assetmeter.lifetodate (Life to Date for Asset) calculation is done in a java class (DeployedMeter.class) that can be found in the Maximo root directory, e.g:
\Maximo\applications\maximo\businessobjects\classes\psdi\app\meter folder.
In this class, the method (calculateAverageALL) will do the calculation.

It first gets the meter lifetodate.

Then it will check if (newDate !=null && newDate.before(earliestReadingDate))

If it is true, then it will set:

lifetodate = lifetodate - new Meter Reading

Otherwise, it will set:

lifetodate = lifetodate - oldest DB Reading

At last, it will return the Average ALL as:

return lifetodate / denominator

With the Denominator being the date Delta between earliest and recent time.

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Cut And Paste Not Working In The Long Description Tool Bar.

Essentially it is just part of IE security that you maybe encountering. Below is instructions to help work around this limitation.
This is part of security with IE and the clipboard. To have them work
properly, the user has to take the following steps:

1) In Internet Explorer, select Internet Options under the Tools menu
2) Go to the Security Tab and click on the Trusted Sites icon
3) The Sites button should now be enabled, click that to open the
Trusted Sites dialog box.
4) Add the Maximo address/url to the list of websites to be trusted.
5) Click Close and then OK on the previous dialog.
6) The next time you are in Maximo, the first time that you click on one
of the Copy/Cut/Paste icons, Internet Explorer will tell you that the
webpage is requesting access to clipboard and do you want to allow
it. Click the 'Allow Access' button to give Maximo access. The buttons
will now work properly.

Can we Edit the attribute which is marked “Must Be” in database configuration?

We cannot Edit the Attribute which is marked as “MUST BE”, in database configuration because it have to preexisting code within the application.