The assetmeter.lifetodate (Life to Date for Asset) calculation is done in a java class (DeployedMeter.class) that can be found in the Maximo root directory, e.g:
\Maximo\applications\maximo\businessobjects\classes\psdi\app\meter folder.
In this class, the method (calculateAverageALL) will do the calculation.
It first gets the meter lifetodate.
Then it will check if (newDate !=null && newDate.before(earliestReadingDate))
If it is true, then it will set:
lifetodate = lifetodate - new Meter Reading
Otherwise, it will set:
lifetodate = lifetodate - oldest DB Reading
At last, it will return the Average ALL as:
return lifetodate / denominator
With the Denominator being the date Delta between earliest and recent time.
In this class, the method (calculateAverageALL) will do the calculation.
It first gets the meter lifetodate.
Then it will check if (newDate !=null && newDate.before(earliestReadingDate))
If it is true, then it will set:
lifetodate = lifetodate - new Meter Reading
Otherwise, it will set:
lifetodate = lifetodate - oldest DB Reading
At last, it will return the Average ALL as:
return lifetodate / denominator
With the Denominator being the date Delta between earliest and recent time.