Saturday, 28 July 2012

BMXAA3878E - Password is required

Steps To solve this issue:

1.       Click Go to  -->System Configuration --> Migration --> Object Structures to open the Object Structures application.

2.       In the Object Structure field, type MXPERUSER and press Enter. Click MXPERUSER to open the MXPERUSER object.

3.       Select the Inbound Setting Restrictions action.

4.       Highlight MAXUSER.

5.       Locate the PASSWORDCHECK and PASSWORDINPUT attributes in the list. For each attribute, check the box in the Override column, then clear the box in the Restricted column.

6.       Click OK.


After you have cleared the PASSWORDCHECK and PASSWORDINPUT attributes and clicked OK, you can import the user data.

After you have finished loading user data, return these attributes to their prior settings. If you leave them unchecked, you cannot use Migration Manager to move user data from one environment to another.

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Migration scenario: Migration of business process workflow data

For the migration scenario, you will use a simple Service Request (SR) workflow process that automatically sets the internal priority of a new SR and places it in the inbox of a service desk manager. The manager reviews the SR and places it into the queue of a service desk agent. The agent receives an automatic email notification with directions to take action based on the queued SR.

Creating the workflow process and related configuration data

Step 1:- Login to the Maximo as an administrative user.

Step 2:- Access the Roles application by navigating to System Configuration àPlatform Configuration à Roles.

Step 3:- Click the New Role button to create a new role.

Step 4:- In the Role tab, specify the role name as ‘SDAGNT’, Type as ‘A set of data related to the record’, Object as ‘SR’ and Value as ‘:owner’ (you can use the lookup available for the Value field to select the OWNER attribute of SR). Accept other defaulted values. Save the record.

Step 5:- Access the Actions application by navigating to System ConfigurationàPlatform ConfigurationàActions.

Step 6:- Click the New Action button to create a new action.

Step 7:- In the Action tab, specify the action name as ‘MMACT’, Object as ‘SR’, Type as ‘Set Value’, Value as ‘1’ and Parameter/Attribute as ‘internalpriority’ (you can use the lookup available for the Parameter/Attribute field to select the INTERNALPRIORITY attribute of SR). Accept other defaulted values. Save the record.

Step 8:- Access the Communication Templates application by navigating to System ConfigurationàPlatform ConfigurationàCommunication Templates.
Step 9:- Click the New Communication Template button to create a new communication template.
Step 10:- In the Communication Template tab, specify the Template as ‘MMNOTIF’,
Applies To as ‘SR’, Send From as an email address, Subject as ‘Service Request
:ticketid has been prioritized’, Message as ‘Service Request :ticketid has been set to internal priority :internalpriority – please take action.’ Save the record.

Step 11:- Now click on the Recipients tab of the Communication Templates application for the same template. Open the Roles section in the Recipients tab by clicking the Show Roles icon. Click Select Roles button. In the Select Roles lookup, search for and locate the ‘SDAGNT’ role. Check the box to the left of the role record and click OK to carry the value to the Recipients tab. Select the To check box for the role record brought back to the Recipients tab.
Step 12:- Click the Change Status button on the application tool bar. In the Change Status dialog that appears, change the status to ACTIVE.
Step 13:- Access the Workflow Designer application by navigating to System
ConfigurationàPlatform ConfigurationàWorkflow Designer
Step 14:- Click the New Process button to create a new workflow process definition.
Step 15:- In the Canvas tab, specify Process as ‘MMWF’, Object as ‘SR’.
Step 16:- Click the canvas applet to activate it. The canvas already displays Start and Stop nodes.

Step 17:-Using the canvas, drag and drop a condition node. Right click the node to bring up its properties. In the Condition Node Properties dialog, specify Title as ‘ISNEW’,
Description as ‘Is New Service Request?’, Expression as ‘:status=’NEW’’. Click OK to save the changes.

Step 18:- Drag and drop another condition node. Right click the node to bring up its properties. In the Condition Node properties dialog, specify Title as ‘ISHIPRT’, Description as ‘Is High Priority Service Request?’ Expression as ‘:reportedpriority < 3’. Click OK to save the changes.

Step 19: Drag and drop a Task node. Right click the node to bring up its properties. In the Task Node properties dialog, specify Title as ‘QUESR’, Description as ‘Queue the Service Request’ and Application as ‘SR’. Click New Row in the Assignments section and specify Role ID as ‘SDMGR’ and application as ‘SR’. Accept all other defaulted values. Click OK to save the changes.
Step 20: Drag and drop positive connect lines (blue lines) between all the nodes on the canvas. Also drag and drop negative connect lines (red dashed lines) between the ISNEW, ISHIPRT condition nodes and the STOP node.
Step 21: Right click the positive connect line between the QUESR task node and STOP node. In the Action properties dialog that appears, specify Action as ‘MMACT’. Click
New Row in the Notifications section and specify the Communication Template as ‘MMNOTIF’. Accept all other defaulted values. Click OK to save the changes.
Step 22: Click save Process.

Migrating the workflow process and related data

The migration tasks to be performed are:

1. Organize the content that will encompass just the types of records listed above (workflow process, communication template, action, and role)
2. Define a migration package that will include just the records containing this newly organized content, and create, distribute and deploy a physical package based on this package definition.
Step 1A: Login as an administrative user.
Step 1b: Access the Object Structures application by navigating to System ConfigurationàMigrationàObject Structures.
Step 1c. Once the Object Structures application is displayed, type ‘DMWF%’ in the
Object Structure column of the List tab and press Enter.
Step 1d. A single result shows up, DMWFPROCESS. This object structure organizes the content of the workflow process definition. Select this entry. The Object Structure tab opens to show you the details of the DMWFPROCESS object structure. You will notice there are 17 BOs that comprise the workflow process definition. You need not change anything here. Review the BOs and the relationships among them.

Step 1e:  There is some related data to migrate as well, including the roles, notifications (communication templates), and actions. Return to the List tab of the Object Structures application. This time, enter ‘DMROLE’ in the Object Structure column. Select this entry. The Object Structure tab opens to show you the details of the DMROLE. This object structure consists primarily of MAXROLE BO.
Step 1f: From the List tab of the Object Structures application, enter ‘DMCOMMTEMPLATE’. A single result shows up. Select this entry. The Object Structure tab opens to show you the details of the DMCOMMTEMPLATE object structure. Make a note of the BOs in this object structure which are primarily COMMTEMPLATE, COMMTMPLTSENDTO, and COMMTEMPLATEDOCS.
Step 1g. Finally, from the List tab of the Object Structures application, enter ‘DMACTION’ Select the DMACTION entry. The Object Structure tab opens to show you the details of DMACTION.

Step 2a: If you have logged out, login as an administrative user.
Step 2b: Access the Migration Groups application by navigating to System

 Configuration à Migration à Migration Groups.
Step 2c: Once the Migration Groups application opens, hit Enter in the List tab. All the available migration groups are displayed. From this list, select the BPM (Business Process Management) entry. The Migration Group tab opens to show you the contents of the BPM group as shown below:

Step 2d: There are two sections: Migration Objects and Dependency. The first section,
Migration Objects for BPM, lists the migration objects (object structures) that are part of the BPM group. These objects include: DMACTION, DMACTIONGROUP, DMROLE, DMCOMMTEMPLATE, DMESCALATION, DMWFPROCESS and DMINBOUNDCOMM, in that order. From this list, it is obvious that the object structures of interest are already members of the BPM group. In the current scenario, you have not built any escalation (DMESCALATION) nor do you need to migrate any Email Listener configurations (DMINBOUNDCOMM).

Step 2e: The second section, ‘Dependency’ lists other groups on which the BPM migration group is dependent. Dependencies can apply if you have put together a new custom application including new BOs, domains, tabs, and dialogs, and so on. This is not the case for the scenario. All you have to migrate is a single workflow process and its constituent data.
Step 2f: Since no dependencies are required, you should discard all the entries in the Dependency section. You cannot change the migration groups shipped with the product (notice they are marked ‘Internal’ in the List tab). So you will duplicate the BPM group to create MYBPM group. User-created groups can be managed as desired. In the
MYBPM group, you will discard all dependencies.
Step 2g. With the BPM group selected, drop down the Select Action menu and select

Duplicate Migration Group to duplicate the BPM group. Specify the name of the new group as ‘MYBPM’, add a description (for example, “Workflow only”). Accept the default order of 12 assigned to this new group as shown below:

Step 2h. You can now remove the existing dependencies that were copied over from BPM. Delete each dependency using the Mark Row for Delete icon to the right in the Dependency section. This is what you should see:

Step 2i: You are now left with just the object structures that are members of the MYBPM group. You only need the DMACTION, DMROLE, DMCOMMTEMPLATE, and
DMWFPROCESS object structures. You do not need the DMACTIONGROUP, DMESCALATION, or DMINBOUNDCOMMCFG object structures because you have no changes in these areas. Delete DMACTIONGROUP, DMESCALATION, and DMINBOUNDCOMMCFG from the Migration Objects table window. Save the MYBPM group. This is what you should see:

You have now created a migration group that can be used to migrate only workflow definitions and related data without other data such as Data Dictionary or Application.
This will better fit the need to carry the MMWF workflow process definition.

Step 3a: If you have logged out, login as an administrative user.
Step 3b: Access the Migration Manager application by navigating to System ConfigurationàMigrationàMigration Manager.
Step 3: Once the Migration Manager Application opens, click the New Package Definition button in the application tool bar. This causes the Package Definition tab to activate and present a new definition you can work with.
Step 3d: In the Package Definition Name field, enter a value that represents the package you want to manage. For example ‘mmwf’, Notice that the Source field has been automatically populated. Accept the default value of SNAPSHOT for the Type field.
Also accept the default value of 100 for the Batch Size field.
Step 3e: In this step, you will include the newly created MYBPM group in this package definition. By doing this you are declaring the content of the package to contain workflow definitions and related data. Click New Row in the Migration Groups section. In the new row that opens up, click the Detail Menu and then click Select Value. From the Select Value dialog that shows, select “MYBPM”. Once the value is returned to the Migration Groups section, click Save in the application toolbar to save this definition. This is what you should see (the Source value depends on your environment):

Step 3f: The status of the package definition is WAPPR (waiting for approval). As long as the status is pending approval, you can modify the contents of the package definition. For this particular package, leave the status at WAPPR.

Decision Point: The contents of a package definition can be modified as long as the definition status is waiting for approval.

Step 3g. Earlier, you created a single workflow process definition and some related data. The scenario calls for the migration of this one workflow process and its related data. With the current package definition, all workflow processes, all roles, all actions, and all active communication templates in the source environment will be brought into the physical package during package creation. This is not the migration requirement. You need to filter the package contents to just the specific ‘MMWF’ workflow. You can set up such a filter as part of the definition.

Step 3h. Click the Set Where Clause icon to the right of the MYBPM entry in the Migration Groups section. The Set Where Clause dialog opens up. This dialog now lists the migration objects included in the MYBPM group. The objects are listed in the order in which they have been included in the MYBPM group. This is what you should see:

Step 3j: In this step, you will attach an SQL where condition to each migration object so that the physical package, once created, will only contain the MMWF workflow process and related records. Select the DMACTION migration object. Click the SQL Expression Builder icon to the right of this row. In the new dialog that shows up, select the ‘ACTION’ attribute. Type in the following after the attribute in the Expression field: ‘=’MMACT’’. This is what you should see:

By adding this where condition, you have filtered action records to just MMACT action which is being used by workflow MMWF. Click OK to carry this where condition back into the Set Where Clause dialog for DMACTION.
 Step 3k: In the Set Where Clause dialog, select the DMROLE migration object. Click the SQL Expression Builder icon to the right of this row. In the expression builder dialog, select the MAXROLE attribute from the attribute list. Type in the following after the attribute in the Expression field: ‘in (‘SDAGNT’,’SDMGR’)’. You had two roles associated with the MMWF process. By adding this where condition, you have filtered role records to just two roles SDAGNT and SDMGR which are being used by workflow MMWF. Click OK to carry this where condition back into the Set Where Clause dialog for DMROLE.

Step 3l. In the Set Where Clause dialog, select the DMCOMMTEMPLATE migration object. Click the SQL Expression Builder icon to the right of this row. In the expression builder dialog, select the TEMPLATEID attribute from the attribute list. Type in the following after the attribute in the Expression field: ‘=‘MMNOTIF’’. By adding this where condition, you have filtered communication template records to just the single template which is being used by workflow MMWF. Click OK to carry this where condition back into the Set Where Clause dialog for DMCOMMTEMPLATE.
Step 3m. In the Set Where Clause dialog, select the DMWFPROCESS migration object.
Click the SQL Expression Builder icon to the right of this row. In the expression builder dialog, select the PROCESSNAME attribute from the attribute list. Type in the following after the attribute in the Expression field: ‘=’MMWF’’. MMWF process is the only workflow process that will be included in the physical package. Click OK to carry this where condition back into the Set Where Clause dialog for DMWFPROCESS. With steps 3h through 3m, you have set up a number of filters such that only the MMWF workflow process and related artifacts are included in a physical package. Here is what you should see in the Set Where Clause dialog:

Click OK. You are now ready to approve the package.
 Step 4: Click the Change Status icon in the Migration Manager Application tool bar to bring up the Change Status dialog. Drop down the list available for the Status field. Select ‘Approved Package Definition’. Click OK to approve the package definition status.
Step 5: Before you can proceed with any other package-related operations, you must activate the package. Package activation prepares it for the rest of the package life-cycle.
In the Migration Manager application, use the Select Action menu and drop down the list and select Activate/Deactivate Package Definition. You will notice that the Active? Check box to the right of the Package Definition tab header area is now checked. You have now completed the tasks required to prepare for a physical package.

Step 6: You can now visually verify the contents of the package definition using the Package Definition Structure tab. In the Migration Manager application, activate the Package Definition Structure tab. This brings up a hierarchical view of your package definition. To verify the contents, you can drill down into the Migration Groups node of the hierarchy. You will see MYBPM is immediately under Migration Groups. You can now expand MYBPM and verify the individual migration objects within the group. You can also open each migration object and verify each BO within the object. This visual verification step helps you determine the total contents of any physical package based on this definition.
 Step 7a: For the purpose of this scenario, your target will be a folder on a file system.
The file system should be accessible to the application server where the product is executing. Later, you will download this package to your client machine.
 In the Migration Manager Application tool bar, click the Manage Targets icon. This brings up a dialog. Click New Row in the dialog. This creates a new row in the Targets section and opens a Target Details section below it. Enter a target name – this can be any name but must be meaningful in that it represents a target; for example, ‘3lg9r91’. Enter or select Type to be FILE since you would like to distribute the physical package in the form of a file. In the Database URL or File Path field enter ‘c: \temp’ (or other appropriate folder if you have you own local build). This is the folder into which the physical package file will be copied upon distribution. This is a folder accessible to the application server. You should see something similar to this: 

Step 7b: Click OK to save this new target and dismiss the Manage Targets dialog.
Step 7c: In this step you will link your approved package definition to the newly defined target. A distribution is what links a package to a particular target. In the Migration Manager application activate the Distribution tab. Click New Row in the Distributions section. From the new row that is created use the look up on the Target Name field or type in the target you defined in step 7a. Click Save in the application tool bar to save this distribution record. You should see something similar to this:

Step 8 You are now ready to create the package. In the Migration Manager application activate the Package tab. The Package tab displays an empty Packages section having a
Create button. Click the Create button. This begins the package creation. Package creation may take several minutes depending upon the volume of data to be collected.
Data collection (or export) is based entirely upon the package definition.
Step 8a: When you click the Create button, the Upload Compiled Sources dialog is displayed.

This dialog serves two purposes: 1. to collect compiled sources that should be part of the package – these files can be uploaded using this dialog. 2. To enter read me information regarding the particular physical package that can be reviewed in a target environment prior to deployment. You did not specify any compiled sources for your package, so you can ignore the Compiled Sources section. In the Read Me Information field, enter text that describes the content of the package. For example, enter “workflow artifacts for MMWF workflow targeting Service Requests”. Click Continue to continue the package creation.
No more user activity or intervention is required until the package is fully created. During package creation, the progress dialog is visible and shows messages as creation tasks progress. At the end of package creation, you should see something similar to this:

Once package creation is complete, the progress dialog shows a ‘Done’ or ‘Processing Complete’ message at the top of the dialog and enables the OK button. Click the OK button to dismiss the dialog.
Once created, the Package tab refreshes to show the new package record. The Manifest sub-tab below the Packages section shows the manifest for the package. Review the manifest and look at the listing of various migration objects that now contain actual data for the MMWF workflow process.

Step 9: You will distribute the newly generated package to the target you associated with the package definition. In the Migration Manager application, in the Packages section of the Package tab, select the package you created in step 8. Click the Distribute button to the right of the Create button.

Step 9a: The Distribute Package dialog appears. This dialog lists all of the targets that have been associated with the particular package definition. In the scenario, there is only one target. Select this target by checking the box to the left of the Distribution row and click the OK button. This initiates the distribution. The progress dialog appears and messages are posted to the dialog as distribution progresses. Once complete, the dialog displays a ‘Done’ or ‘Processing Complete’ message and you click the OK button to dismiss the dialog.

NOTE: Distribution may take several seconds or minutes depending upon how much data are to be written into the file.
You have now distributed the contents of the physical package to a file that currently resides on the application server’s file system. You can, if necessary, download this file to the client machine where you are working from.
Clicking the icon will bring up the File Download dialog box with Open, Save and
Cancel buttons. This is a standard Windows® download dialog. You should see something similar to this:

Click Save. A Save As dialog opens allowing you to choose a folder on the client machine where the file should be saved. After navigating to a folder, click Save to save the file to the particular folder on the client machine.
NOTE: You can download a package file only after you have distributed it. No file exists at the time package creation is complete.
With this step you have completed all of the migration activities necessary in the source environment. You started with the identification of changes to be migrated; you determined the need to organize content, and then defined a package that would serve as a template for physical packages. You approved and activated the definition. After associating a target with the definition, you created and distributed the package to the chosen target.

Scenario preparation in the target environment

The MMWF workflow and related records that you packaged up in source should be brought over to the target environment for testing. In this scenario, these are all new artifacts that do not exist in the test environment.
The key tasks of migration (definition, creation, distribution) have been already performed in the source environment. Just one task remains: deployment. The package that was distributed in Step 9a in the previous section of this document will now be brought into the target environment and deployed using the Migration Manager application. Step 1 In this step you will upload the package file into the target environment.
Currently, you have a copy of the file on your client machine.

Step 1a: Login to the target environment as an administrative user.
Step 1b: Navigate to the Migration Manager application using System Configurationà Migrationà Migration Manager.
Step 1c. When the Migration Manager application is displayed, the List tab of the application is active. From the Select Action menu, select the Upload Package action.
This will bring up the Upload Package dialog box as shown below:

Step 1d. The Upload Package dialog box presents a Browse button. Use this button to browse your client machine and locate the package file that you had downloaded from source environment. Select the package file, click Open to bring back the folder and file information into the Upload Package dialog box. Click OK in this dialog to physically upload the package file into the test environment. The file has been placed in a sub-folder on the application server machine. The Migration Manager becomes aware that a new package is available for deployment.
 Step 2: From the application toolbar, click the Deploy Package button. A popup dialog appears and this dialog displays the newly uploaded package. To the right of the package name is an icon that can be clicked to view the manifest of the package as shown below:

Click this icon and verify the contents of the package. The View Manifest dialog is shown below:

Dismiss the View Manifest dialog.
Step 3: In order to begin deployment from the Deploy Package dialog, you must first confirm that you have a database backup in place. Remember the Migration Manager has no package rollback functionality. If there is a failure in deployment, your only option to recover may be to restore your database from a backup. Check the Do you have a current database backup? Check box. Then click the Deploy button.

Step 4: Upon clicking the Deploy button, the Electronic Signature authentication dialog shows up. Enter the password for the currently logged in user and a memo into the Reason for Change field. Click OK, to proceed with deployment.
At this point a progress dialog appears and is populated with progress messages as deployment proceeds. You can watch these messages to gain a better understanding of the deployment tasks the Migration Manager performs.
Once the deployment completes, the progress dialog posts a ‘Done’ or ‘Processing
Complete’ message to the top of the dialog. The OK button is also enabled allowing you to close the dialog. The Migration Manager application is refreshed to show you the Package tab. When you review the contents of the Package tab, you will see that there is a row in the Packages tab for the package that you just deployed. It shows a status of DEPLOYED.
For this package, the deployment does not require you to log out or re-start the application server to see the changes take effect. So you can access the Workflow
Designer application and bring up the ‘MMWF’ workflow process. You will see that the workflow is laid out exactly as in the source environment. It is disabled and inactive.
Now you can validate this process, enable it, and activate it.

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